Машинное зрение Умный Сенсор 800 MHz dual core (ARM Cortex-A9) 1 GB RAM 2 GB onboard flash drive Standard size FPGA image preprocessing 2x POWERLINK Sensor 1.3 MP 90 fps Lens 4.6 mm, F3.5 with adjustable focus LED 16x white Standard LED optics Plastic hig

Машинное зрение Умный Сенсор 800 MHz dual core (ARM Cortex-A9) 1 GB RAM 2 GB onboard flash drive Standard size FPGA image preprocessing 2x POWERLINK Sensor 1.3 MP 90 fps Lens 4.6 mm, F3.5 with adjustable focus LED 16x white Standard LED optics Plastic hig

  • Артикул VSS112F21.02DP-000
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  • Производитель B&R
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