Машинное зрение Умный Сенсор 800 MHz dual core (ARM Cortex-A9) 1 GB RAM 2 GB onboard flash drive Standard size FPGA image preprocessing 2x POWERLINK Sensor 1.3 MP 90 fps Lens 12 mm, F4 with adjustable focus LED 16x white Standard LED optics Plastic high A

Машинное зрение Умный Сенсор 800 MHz dual core (ARM Cortex-A9) 1 GB RAM 2 GB onboard flash drive Standard size FPGA image preprocessing 2x POWERLINK Sensor 1.3 MP 90 fps Lens 12 mm, F4 with adjustable focus LED 16x white Standard LED optics Plastic high A

  • Артикул VSS112F21.05DP-000
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  • Производитель B&R
  • B&R
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